About us

Kids First Child Advocacy Center of the 9th Judicial District

       History of the Child Advocacy Center of the Ninth Judicial District

The State of Tennessee mandates victims of child abuse, between birth and the age of 17 be served by a Child Advocacy Center. This belief became law more than 25 years ago. The Tennessee Code Annotated or T.C.A., Part 6- Child Sexual Abuse, 37-1-607, states alleged victims of severe child abuse must be served by a Child Advocacy Center. This law led a Steering Committee of three to seek funding, a location, and employees needed to establish a Child Advocacy Center. The Child Advocacy Center of the Ninth Judicial District began serving victims of child abuse in April 2002. By 2005, we had grown our staff by 40% and were able to provide clinical and therapeutic services, needed for healing complex trauma caused by child abuse.  There is never a fee for any of our services, regardless of how long the child and non-offending caregiver are clients of the Child Advocacy Center.

Since opening the CAC, we have received over 6,500 referrals from the Department of Children’s Services and Law Enforcement. We have served more than 4,500 victims of child abuse and their non-offending caregivers. We have provided our school-based intervention/prevention program, Stop Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN) to more than 100 schools and 32,000 children attending kindergarten, first, third, fifth and seventh grades. Our Teen Mom Education/Support Program is school based and serves Loudon County High School students and Meigs County High School students. This evidence-based curriculum has served more than 120 teen moms and teen dads.

On the staff of the Child Advocacy Center is authorized Stewards of Children facilitator, Chris Evans-Longmire. Chris offers this evidence-based adult education program to adults of youth-serving organizations, parents, law enforcement and others dedicated to serving children. Stewards of Children educates adults on recognizing the signs of grooming, signs of child abuse, how to minimize opportunity and prevent child abuse, how to receive a child’s disclosure and how to report suspected or reported child abuse.

Thus far Stewards of Children has almost reached the tipping point for the 9th Judicial District by educating more than 3,400 of 5,400 adults (which is the population of adults over the age of 18 residing within the 9th Judicial District).   

Our staff consists’ of one full-time Executive Director, 2 Forensic Interviewers, Sexual Assault Advocate, Family Services Specialist, 3 therapists, 1 Clinical Supervisor and 1 forensic medical examiner.

Our funding sources include state and federal grants that are secured through a competitive process. We partner with local United Way agencies, private foundations, and our city/county government. Also, we are supported by churches, civic groups, corporations and fundraisers and members of the communities we serve.

Established within the 9th Judicial District are 4 Child Protective Investigative Teams (CPIT). Each CPIT team includes a representative from law enforcement, District Attorney General’s office (DAG), Department of Children’s Services, mental health professionals, medical providers, and key staff members of the Child Advocacy Center. CPIT meetings occur monthly, within each of the four counties we serve. The CPIT team not only serves, investigates, and prosecutes cases served by the CAC, we offer recommendations to our DAG as to which cases we believe are prosecutable.

The CAC earned Accreditation by the National Children’s Alliance (NCA) in 2005. NCA has 10 Standards that must be achieved and maintained in order for a CAC to earn Accreditation. The Standards include Multidisciplinary Team Standard, Diversity, Equity and Access of Services, Forensic Interview Standard, Medical Evaluation, Victim Support and Advocacy, Mental Health Standard, Case Review and Coordination Standard, Case Tracking, Organizational Capacity and Child Safety and Protection Standard. These standards help ensure that all children, served by a CAC, receive consistent, evidence-based and trauma-informed services; to promote healing, justice and safety.

Stop Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN)

It is for this reason we deliver a school-based intervention/prevention program, Stop Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN) to schools within the Ninth Judicial District. SCAN is a school-based program and is offered to children in kindergarten, first, third, fifth and seventh grades. The young children enjoy a puppet show while older grades enjoy a video/dvd and discussion about safety and boundaries. The program teaches children about safe and unsafe touches and who to tell if ever in a situation that makes the child uncomfortable or if someone asks the child to keep “secrets” about touches, movies, pictures, etc…

Teen Mom Education Program

A second piece of our Outreach Program is our Teen Mom Education Program.  We have been providing our Teen Parent Education Program to schools for the past 10 years. The Teen Parent Education Program is a 16-week curriculum that is school-based. This program educates teen parents child development, age-appropriate discipline, community resources, stress management, potty training and many other areas related to parenting a young child. The program encourages teen parents to graduate high school while creating an environment of support versus judgement. Many of the teen parents we serve feel isolated, so this class works as a support group as well. Based on the pre and post test scores, an increased level of understanding and comprehension of child development is demonstrated.


  • Forensic Interviews
  • Victim Services
  • Therapy
  • Forensic Medical Examinations
  • Services For The Drug-endangered Child

  • School-based Intervention/Prevention Program
  • Education Group of Teen Moms (school-based)
  • Adult Survivor Group & Resource Library Provider
  • Provider of Community Education

Staff Positions

Kids First Child Advocacy Center- Began serving victims and survivors experiencing severe acts of child abuse (sexual, physical, drug-endangered children and children witnessing homicides) in 2002. We are a 501c3, private non-profit, providing trauma-focused and evidence-based services at no cost to those we serve. All services are delivered on-site or within the community.

Annual Reports